Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring Photo Shoot

A while back Bridger commented on a photo of Dawn and me, he said something along the lines of "You two make a great photo team." I thought to myself, yeah, we sort of really do. So, I called Matt McFarland and set up a photo shoot for me and my best friend.

I HIGHLY recommend that if you ever need a picture taken, you call Matt McFarland, he really knows what he's doing.

We took a lot of pictures, here are a few of my favorites.


Craig Barlow B. said...

I desperately wish I had some photos that made me look as hip as you two look in these pictures. You've really done a great job with these. Matt did an excellent job.

Bridger W. said...

You two look dazzling. This was such a stroke of genius. I'm hoping that when Matt visits New York we'll be able to do a little rooftop photo shoot.

Allie said...

The first one is my favorite of the whole bunch.

Melissa said...

Brilliant execution of a brilliant idea. You could have clipped these right out of some upscale magazine.

Kimberly Bailey said...

LOVE all your photo shoot picks!!

kirsten said...

aw, cute! I think that top one is the cutest.

I love friend photos. There are some girls in my neighborhood who want me to take photos of them together - this has totally inspired me to actually do it.